Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Thursday 15 September 2011

Happy Anniversary

So, tomorrow (September 16th) will mark the passing of a year... a year since I first decided to start this blog. In celebration I thought I would note the things of importance that have occurred these last twelve months and throw in some snapshots to boot. If you have been following in any sort of regular fashion, thank you for reading...

1) My work delivered some magical moments this year. Ones that really filled me with a sense of achievement and pride. It has been great to reap the benefits of my years of hard work; such as a good local reputation (people call me now!) getting some really high-profile events to produce and having the perk of international travel as well.

2)  My family (I know I'm biased), the three of them are... well, everything. And they are always three of the most important things in every year.

2) After a heath scare: realizing some very important truths and clarifying new goals.

3) Knowing, for sure, that my future resides outside of the London Metropolis.

4) Falling (not quite, but a hair's breath away) in love with a man. It did not work out as I had hoped, as much in life does not... However, nine months later after an emotional storm infused with tears, anger and reflection and after sewing the pieces of myself back together; I now know for certain that I do not regret a single moment. 

For three reasons:
a) That there was a joy in feeling that way about another person, whether ultimately reciprocated or not. It made me feel alive and wonderfully hopeful about the possibility of love.

b) I leant that I can weather the deepest kind of rejection and come out the other side of that pain; stronger, wiser and more forgiving than I ever thought possible.

c) That from the most fraught and awkward circumstances and with a dose of mutual respect, life changing  moments and friendships can emerge.

As sad as this time was for me it has now become a beautiful fragment of who I am and I will always be grateful for the experience and for knowing him.

5) That I have the most understanding, unique circle of inspiring and caring friends/cohorts/partners-in-crimes (you know who you are). You have kept me from dark places, challenged me and loved me. I am forever indebted to you and constantly aware how honoured I am to have you all.

Now, Otis:

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