Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Monday 5 September 2011


So I found my first conker of the season yesterday and this discovery kick-started a perfect Autumnal Sunday. My brother and I went to a pick-your-own farm and came away with a glut of vegetables and tree fruit; I could not of been happier than when I was swinging my fruit basket and plucking purple plums from heavy tree boughs.

I then returned home (after a very yummy & traditional pub lunch in the depths of the Kentish countryside) to barricade myself in the kitchen to produce a multitude of Autumnal dishes; Pickled chilli beetroot, yellow squash quinoa, fresh corn on the cob and pumpkin muffins.

As I reflected on my very wholesome and joyous day I realised that Autumn has a way of breathing life into me. I get ridiculously excitable at the thought of Autumn colours, wearing boots continually, the seasonable foods on offer and the cold crisp days and I feel revitalised and inspired more so than any other time of year. As my friend Amy said this week 'Fall-after Summer is my Spring-after-Winter'.

A massive shot of gratitude to Autumn this week

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