Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Thursday 2 December 2010

Week Twelve

1) 1st of December: drinking my first Laphroaig of the season, in front of an open fire at the best pub I may ever have been in.
2) Pride in my work and seeing everyone's efforts come into fruition
3) Staying up until 6am & 4am on consecutive nights with SB - talking nonsense, laughing and listening to his stories. 
4) Feeling in awe of the beauty and individuality of snowflakes.
6) There's so much we can do with words. We could dress up a naked word, and adorn it with decorations of imagery and twists of metaphors and analogies to appeal to every one of our senses. Our line of thought can be adjusted by what we read, we are positioned to like, hate, or be neutral about a subject. We can enhance, or take away from a subject of beauty, and we can create worlds, images, and dreams far beyond one's own imagination.

We can confuse, and we can confront.
We can entertain, and we can stir sympathy.
But we can't change hearts.

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