Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Thursday 26 May 2011

Week Thirty - Five

1) My health - nothing like a big ol' scare to put things into perspective.
2) Live gigs. My therapy, my Rapture.
3) Boys who ring my doorbell unexpectedly
4) Holidays
You. You alone will have the stars as no one else has them. In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night. You, only you, will have stars that can laugh. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This Night
I see a luminescent trail
Of powered  stardust, faint and pale,
Across the sky, like moths in flight,
A crescent moon of phantom white
Its tangled in the filmy veil
My heart responds with quick delight, 
I greet the Lady of the Night.
-Don Blanding, c.1935

I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched. -Edgar Allan Poe
Sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whisky and drive fast on empty street with nothing in mind except falling in love and not getting arrested. 
- Hunter S Thompson. 

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