Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Thursday 30 September 2010

Week Three

1. Getting a letter - it is just so very rare these days.
2. Going to a gig and getting totally swept away by the music, the band and the sweaty, dancin' fever. All hail Deer Tick.
3. That when my first boyfriend cheated on me, that the experience did not ruin me for all the rest.
4. That most days, I get a kick out of doing my job. 
5.  Mr Ryan Bingham's Tom Wait esque country voice and his lyrics:

Your Body Aches
Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate
The days and the nights all feel the same

Whiskey has been, a thorn in your side
and it doesn't forget
The highway that calls for your heart inside.

6.  The anticipation of a journey on the horizon... I see Dublin town.
7. That I asked you out and you said yes:

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